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Asbestos awareness training from Advantage Online Training

Employees who worked in construction sites several decades ago were exposed to dangerous levels of asbestos, which caused them severe health problems. Now that we know asbestos can be dangerous, methods have been developed for mitigating its harmful effects. Your company has a legal duty to protect its employees from this substance, and our asbestos awareness training course can help you do just that.

Asbestos awareness training for OSHA compliance

Advantage Online Training has a training program that has helped many organizations in the past, and we can help yours, as well. If you choose our company, your firm and employees will enjoy a lot of many amazing benefits and features.

- Use of multiple forms of media
Our training modules use a creative combination of video, audio, text, and visual graphics to enhance the learning process

- Web-based education
All of our courses are internet-based, meaning that you and your employees can access them anywhere or at any time.

- Admin features
The course administrator can monitor the progress of employees undergoing training easily and conveniently thanks to our simple and straightforward admin features.

- Affordability
Our asbestos awareness training costs are very low compared to those of other similar companies.

Thanks to these benefits, workers all over the country have gotten first-rate training.

We offer the most effective asbestos awareness training program online

You do not want to have employees who are unprepared for the hazards of working with asbestos. Failure to properly train your employees to handle asbestos can result in heavy fines and litigation. If you choose our company’s asbestos training program, however, you can avoid such problems. To find out more about our training program, contact us.

$29.95 ea

Course Outline

  • Introduction
    • An overview of asbestos, the “silent killer” that affects many custodians, maintenance workers, and engineering staff members.
    • OSHA’s Asbestos standards and your facility’s Asbestos Management Plan.
    • Information on Asbestos and the special qualities of the material as well as the dangers.
  • Asbestos Exposure
    • Limiting Asbestos exposure to Asbestos-Containing Materials.
    • The most common use of Asbestos as “Thermal System Insulation” in boilers, ductwork, heating systems, and more.
    • Floor and ceiling types that often contain Asbestos.
    • Proper warning signs that should be posted over the locations of ACMs.
    • Restricted areas and how to enter them safely.
    • Friable materials that can crumble easily releasing Asbestos fibers.
    • Warning signs of Asbestos that can be obvious and those that are harder to notice, such as water stains on tiles.
    • Periodic inspections of ACMs and good recordkeeping practices.
    • What to do if you realize there has been an exposure to Asbestos.
    • The Personal Protective Equipment necessary for handling ACMs.
    • Professionals that can construct a permanent solution to a damaged area containing Asbestos.
    • OSHA’s guidelines for the disturbance of materials containing Asbestos.
    • Using Wet Methods to work with floors that contain Asbestos.
    • Additional equipment to use when cleaning Asbestos, such as a HEPA Vacuum.

Getting the Advantage

100% online training

100% Online Training

Our focus is delivering quality training 100% online. We believe that you should not have to sacrifice a quality training program for convenience, so we provide both.

Outstanding Quality

Commitment to Quality

We are committed to your safety. We know that safe work begins with a quality training program. Our primary goal is to ensure that our online training meets that high bar.

Save Money

Save Time and Money

The convenience of our online training provides you with more time, to spend on the job. You won't need to show up in a classroom, because we bring the classroom to you. You'll save both time and money by avoiding travel time and expense, in addition to saving money on your course.

Manage Training

Manage Your Training

Manage your training and certifications all from one place. Keep track of your training, and your certification expiration dates from your online classroom. We empower you to produce proof of training or take additional training from one easy source.

Customer Service

Customer service

A great training course, and the ability to manage your certifications don’t mean much without excellent customer service. Our goal is to meet all your needs and ensure that you can get the certifications you need, without the headache.

100% Guarantee

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We guarantee that our training will meet your needs, or your money back. That simple!